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Yoga Instructor Jean Leow conducting a Yoga for Seniors class

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

~ Rumi

Photo: Robert Catto Photography

Welcome to Yoga Ink!

We specialize in Yoga for Seniors, along with Gentle Exercises and Foundational Classes for those who are new to yoga.

You don’t have to be flexible or fit to practise yoga. Classes are designed specially to suit those who feel tightness in their bodies, who may find it hard to get on the floor mat or simply need to rebuild their strength and balance.

Whether you are 80 or 18, yoga presents a pathway to a better, healthier lifestyle. Learn to improve functional movements, ease chronic pain, relieve stress and build resilience to deal with changes in life. Take your first steps now.

In-Room Yoga

Meet like-minded people. Enjoy a supported, safe and fun environment.

Online Yoga

Learn and practise yoga, no matter where you are located.

Private Yoga

Treat yourself to a fully customised session to suit your needs.

Yoga Therapy

For anyone with medical conditions that need special care and attention.

Group Yoga

Special group or corporate classes brought to your door-step.

Funky senior getting ready for yoga

Trial class $10 per session

It is never too late to start yoga. If you have always wanted to try a class, now is the time to do it. Don’t stress about getting to the perfect pose; it is more important to feel your body moving and enjoy learning something new.

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About me

Profile photo Jean Leow

Hello there, my name is Jean Leow and I’m the founder and owner of Yoga Ink.

I started Yoga Ink in 2020. Coming off what feels like a lifetime in corporate work, I made a decision to start something that would hold meaning and purpose for me. I had spent 5 years volunteering in an aged care home for dementia residents and what I saw touched me deeply. I realised how important it is to maintain physical independence and mental agility as we grow older. We may not be able to control many things in our lives, but we can at least nurture our bodies and minds and take care of these precious gifts for as long as we can.

It was my Dad who first suggested that I try yoga. When I started yoga in 2009, I had an irregular heart beat and couldn’t touch my toes. I tried different yoga schools and after my first Iyengar yoga class, I knew this was the one for me. The sense of focus, compassion and resilience that Iyengar yoga cultivates has helped me face numerous challenges along the way. I am very grateful for the experience and I hope to facilitate some of what I have learnt to those who may need it most.

I have always been surrounded by women who were strong, kind, smart, and fiercely independent – my beloved Grandmother, my best friend and my dearest Mum.  Sadly, they each faced grave illness and tremendous pain at their journeys’ end. I am inspired by their courage to walk their paths bravely and for everything they have taught me. Yoga Ink is dedicated to all these wonderful women.


Jean Leow